Open Research and Scientific Publishing
Open research and scientific publishing
Viktória Nagy
Université Paris Cité, France - University of Pécs, Hungary
The objective of this chapter is to provide students with manuscript writing, editing and submitting skills and an understanding of the publishing space, including the traditional platforms of biomedical journals but also the new spaces created by Open Research.
This original, interdisciplinary chapter on scientific publishing will deal with three major topics that’ll allow doctoral students in health sciences to improve their overall publishing skills and hence make it possible for them to successfully promote their research and further scientific cooperation within the European space but also within the international research community when starting their professional careers. On the one hand, it’ll focus on writing skills per se, including the explanation of the IMRAD format as defined by the APA, its application to typical study types and standards concerning scientific content, language use and cohesion, including typical mistakes to be avoided. Secondly, this chapter shall provide training in publication skills in the broader sense, including a thorough overview of biomedical and medical journals, how to find the right journal, applying for publication, the ethical and legal standards of publishing, the peer-review process, interacting with editors and reviewers, tools for the dissemination of published work, online libraries and other publication platforms. Finally, a third subtopic will be dedicated to new trends in scientific publishing and the possibilities and horizons they’ve opened up in terms of transnational digital cooperation, including open access and open research, crowdsourcing and initiatives such as Creative Commons, Open Research Europe and the societal, legal and ethical repercussions they entail.
Chapter 11- Open Research and Scientific Publishing (Université Paris Cité, Paris, France - University of Pécs, Hungary)
Final chapter
Chapter 11- Open Research and Scientific Publishing (Université Paris Cité, Paris, France - University of Pécs, Hungary)