
Pilot teaching

Registration for the pilot teaching is closed now!

Registration for the CONSCIOUS II pilot course was scheduled to close on November 30, 2023.
The interest in the course has exceeded our expectations, however, we are discussing various options within the consortium to satisfy everyone.
Have you not registered and are interested in the course? Never mind. Keep checking our website.

CONSCIOUS II pilot teaching leaflet

Registration just opened! Click
here to register, till November 30, 2023.

What can you gain?

- Knowledge, skills, and abilities on how to design, conduct, manage, evaluate, and publish an investigator-initiated trial.
- Interdisciplinary skills in leadership, publishing, and teaching.
- Training in networking, multinational cooperation, professional language, expansion of interprofessional cooperation.
- Inspiration on how to organize blended classrooms, international classes online, and how to use materials available.

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for PhD students in medicine, pharmacy, health sciences, early-career researchers, investigators/sponsors planning an academic clinical trial, and for teachers and lecturers of the theory of the clinical trial. Get more information in our pilotteachingleaflet

Format of the course

The course is entirely free of charge.

After the introductory session, you will get 12 multinational and inter-university online meetings via Zoom, 90 minutes, once a week.

Before each online meeting, you will use our training platform. Learn at your own pace through a mix of pre-class reading, articles, videos, and practical activities. The following online session will be then focused on training, problem-solving, practice-based and practice-oriented questions, and discussions with lecturers with extensive expertise in the particular area.



Starting January 9, 2024, every Tuesday via Zoom, from 6 PM to 7.30 PM (CET).

Go through the pilot teaching programme to find out more about the schedule, lecturers and their plans for individual topics.


Attend ≥ 60% of the online sessions and earn your certificate of completion of this course. Recognition of the certificate/award of credit (ECTS) for completion of the course is an institution-specific decision.


Contacts to get more information

Jitka Rychlíčkova -

Joana Batuca -

Gabor L. Kovacs -

Frances Shiely -

Viktoria Nagy -

Annamária Tünde Németh -

You can also contact us using the contact form.